

1、Eating Food 吃食物

"Consuming food to replenish health and increase the maximum health points."


2、Using Potions 使用药水


"Drinking potions, such as Potion of Healing or Potion of Life, to boost the health bar."


3、Wearing Armor 穿戴盔甲

"Equipping armor can provide extra hearts, acting as a buffer to your health."



4、Gaining Experience Levels 获得经验等级

"Leveling up by gaining experience points can increase the number of health points."


5、Enchanting Armor with Unbreaking 用“耐久”附魔盔甲

"Applying the Unbreaking enchantment to armor pieces reduces the chance of them breaking, indirectly keeping your health up by maintaining armor durability."


6、Affecting Hearts through Status Effects 通过状态效果影响心形图案

"Certain status effects like Absorption can temporarily provide additional hearts, while others like Poison or Hunger can reduce your health points."


7、Sleeping 睡觉

"Sleeping in a bed can fully restore your health points and also save your game progress."


8、Using Beacons 使用信标

"Activating a Beacon with the right items can grant a player temporary status effects that increase their maximum health points."

